Archive for February, 2014

This is one of the games I kickstarted a couple of years back, seriously their backer updates have been shockingly “mushroom like”, keeping us in the dark, feeding us on crap. I blame their publisher funding for that, I’m convinced the moment they got additional funding from a publisher the kickstarter backers became secondary.

Now that I’ve had my little rant on that, this footage looks good, the vehicle deformation is more commonplace now than it was in the original Carmagedon games but it’s still fun to see. The bursting tires and seeing them come off the rims is new though, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before. Performance clearly isn’t there yet, there is some noticeable lack of frame rate in this, but as the video clearly states….not finished yet.

GLaDOS Teaches Science for NASA

In this charmingly educational video, Portals GLaDOS teaches us the difference between Fission and Fusion. NASA wants to teach kids…(and stupid adults like me) and this seems to be the preferred method. We all love a megalomaniac artificial intelligence telling us stuff, the ending is pretty awesome too. Enjoy!

Here’s some gameplay footage of the remake/sequel to all the other Wolfenstein games. Gotta admit, as I’m old enough to have played most of them including the original, this doesn’t look too shabby. I should warn you it is quite stabby in the face parts, commentary and footage by those handsome Eurogamer chaps, shamelessly stolen by me.

Ace Patrol – Tally Ho!


Ace Patrol is a WWI aircraft, hex-turn based strategy game. It’s made by those folks who make Civilization, a properly great series of turn based strategy games. So what is it like and does it require a stiff upper lip and handlebar mustache to enjoy? here’s what I think. Continue reading

Monstrum – Scary Horror Thing

Monstrum a “Survival Horror Labyrinth” is set on board a ship at sea. Featuring randomly generated monsters, to scare the pants off you every time you play a new game….presumably because you’re dead from the previous attempt. Perma death promises much soiling of underwear and screaming as you run away, fumbling with the controls in panic and then swearing loudly as you are eaten and have to restart the game.

Here is a play through of a mission in the new Thief game, takes about 17 minutes which is pretty short for how long I usually played each original Thief level in the past….I used to average an hour and frequently go over!

However it’s not as bad to look at as it used to be, the additional time to add gameplay options and the removal of quick time events/button mash prompts seem to have at least made it less painful on my eyes. I’m not convinced it’s great, but it’s not looking bad anymore. Still miss the original voice though. 😦